[Salon] Ukraine Is In The End Game, Biden's Plan Has Gone Over The Cliff


Jeffrey Sachs: Ukraine Is In The End Game, Biden's Plan Has Gone Over The Cliff

Jeffrey Sachs, a professor at Columbia University known for his work with the United Nations, told podcast host Andrew Napolitano last week that President Biden's gambit in Ukraine has backfired and caused "a bloodbath and a disaster."

"This is a plan that has just gone over the cliff. it was a terrible idea based on a set of miscalculations by the U.S. military-industrial complex with Biden out there as the front person," Sachs said. "And it has gone horribly wrong."

"They can't admit it because they are all parties to this horrible outcome, so they would rather double down. It's not them fighting after all, it's not their money. Everybody is doing it on deficit spending. And it is not their soldiers, only Ukrainians are dying."

"We now have foreign policy in the hands of a few people, and they happen to be incompetent, aside from everything else. Or, there's another theory, which is they don't really care about the outcome, it is the war itself that is the desire because it is big business," Sachs said.

"This is an end game. And it's a shame for Biden, who caused this, because Biden stopped negotiations that would have ended the conflict in March or April 2022."

JEFFREY SACHS: Ukraine is being slaughtered. Russia is dominant on the battlefield. We have heard in recent weeks, heard so many details about how the United States stopped an agreement between Ukraine and Russia that would have spared Ukraine from this war. And the U.S. stopped it because they told the Ukrainians to continue fighting. And the Ukrainians have lost hundreds of thousands of people.

You have these two, [Army chief Valeri] Zaluzhny and [President Volodymyr] Zelensky, who are essentially in the U.S. pocket and have been funded by the U.S. who tells them to fight, and it has basically been a bloodbath and a disaster. And this continues and will continue.

This is an end game. And it's a shame for Biden, who caused this, because Biden stopped negotiations that would have ended the conflict in March or April 2022. Now this has been widely reported. We talked about this a few months ago because I heard about it directly from Turkish negotiators and from other people. But now this news has spilled out into the public.

In other words, this is a war that is causing disaster in Ukraine, is causing disaster massive costs for the United States, and that serves no useful purpose, and was prolonged deliberately by Biden in some completely miscalculated idea that this would weaken Russia, when it has done the opposite. It has strengthened Russia, and led to a
massive upgrading of Russia's military technology, and an increase in the size of the Russian army. And all this was predictable, except we have a completely incompetent administration.


This is all pathetic because it is all in denial of basic facts that have been evident for many, many years. This is a war caused by the U.S. insistence that Ukraine be part of the U.S.-NATO military alliance, and the U.S. has persisted in this even when peace on the basis of Ukraine's neutrality was at hand in 2022, the U.S. stopped it.

The Europeans act like vassal states to the U.S., These are deeply unpopular governments in Europe, there is not a popular leader in Europe right now, they're losing elections massively one after another, because this is a plan that has just gone over the cliff. It was a terrible idea based on a set of miscalculations of the U.S. military-industrial complex with Biden out there as the front person, and it has gone horribly wrong. They can't admit it because they are all parties to this horrible outcome, so they don't want to admit it, they would rather double down -- it's not them fighting after all, it's not their money. Everybody is doing it on deficit spending, and it is not their soldiers, only Ukrainians are dying. Now Ukrainian young women are being pulled off the streets, drafted and sent to the front lines to be killed.

It is just unbelievable. But this is what happens when this becomes a personal venture of a small number of people sold to the public on completely false pretenses. Lies all the way. Not on money voted by governments, but finding every subterfuge to just add to the pile of debt without accountability or responsibility. This is what has happened. We now have foreign policy in the hands of a few people, and they happen to be incompetent, aside from everything else. Or, there's another theory, which is they don't really care about the outcome, it is the war itself that is the desire because it is big business.

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